omni app design
interface design // prototyping // design solutions
Interface Design is a class in which students learn the ins and outs of app design. With a group of three other students, we were tasked with fully conceptualizing, designing, and prototyping an app.

Omni serves as an inclusive, educational, and fun space for womxn to take control of their feminine health. It includes an accurate menstrual tracker that predicts the user’s cycle and gets ahead of symptoms by offering solutions and treatments. The way we distinguish ourselves from the competition is through our monthly subscription. The subscription allows womxn to pick which contraceptives, hygiene products, or treatments they would like to receive each month. They can rely on their staples or try something new! Every time a user orders a subscription, hygiene products will be donated to women in need around the world.
Omni was created with all who menstruate in mind, regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, or age. Omni works to end the stigma around feminine health and help womxn around the world feel secure in their body.
When researching other menstrual trackers, we found that they often look sterile and primarily use a red, white, or pink color scheme. With the idea of fun and inclusion in mind, we chose a very colorful and playful scheme. Our type and layouts were inspired by editorial design in order to have a young and fresh feel that is unlike the average application users interact with on a daily basis.

To demonstrate the various functions of our app, the prototype is split into two users: Taylor and Zoey. Taylor is a new user who demonstrates the sign in process, the tracker, some educational components, and creating/ ordering a subscription. Zoey demonstrates logging in to the app, our social features, and our pairing feature. She also chats with an OBGYN and looks for a place to book an appointment. These two users have very different goals. To demonstrate the range of users Omni caters to, we felt the need to show both of their journeys.